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조치원 청소년수련관




International exchange program for youth

요리보고 문화보고”“to learn culture by cooking”




There has been a situation where COVID 19 has occurred all over the world since 2019. As a result, the international relationship between young people has been reduced during the pandemic.

To rebuild the relationship and the promotion of cultural exchanges, Buk-Sejong Youth Center has designed a program called “to learn culture by cooking”. This program is aimed to encourage and develop the international relationships among young people. It would be a positive experience to discover their countries’ foods & culture and to interact as they work through the lessons.

Please join this program and if you have any inquiry, contact us.


Program Guide

Period : June 12th ~ September 11th 2021 (Total 7 lessons)

Where : Buk-sejong youth center (Address: 57, Suwonji-gil, jochiwon-eup, Sejong-si)

Who : only 6 foreigners living in Sejong City aged from 14 to 24 years.

(First priority will be given to students who are fluent in Korean and English)

When to apply : Apply soon between May 12th ~ May 28th 2021 (First come first served)

How to apply : Download application forms from our website.

Send completed application forms by E-Mail to (sejong1318@naver.com)

Program Contents :

To introduce each other’s iconic food to each other.

To learn how to cook Korean and foreign iconic recipes as a group.

Cooking contests and award ceremony.


June 12

(PM 2~ PM 4)

Program orientation

Kitchen Health and safety instruction

June 26

(PM 2~ PM 4)

Introduce and develop the international relationship between students,

Divide them into groups and choose food menu

July 10

(PM 2~ PM 5)

Individual roles Learning to cook Korean iconic foods,

Prepare the Korean foods together

July 24

(PM 2~ PM 5)

Individual roles Learning to cook foreign iconic foods,

Prepare the foreign foods together

August 14

(PM 2~ PM 5)

Cooking contest Korean food

August 28

(PM 2~ PM 5)

Cooking contest foreign food

September 11

(PM 2~ PM 5)

Evaluation conference, Report results,

Overall winner prizes and souvenirs provided

* All schedules and contents may be changed because of situations.

* This program is for free.


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